How Aquatic Plants Benefit From Aquatic Fertilizer


Aquarium plants need a nutritious diet. A quality aquarium plant fertilizer helps maintain the health of both the fish and the plants. Aquarium plants are an integral part of the reef aquarium ecosystem and play a vital role in the water chemistry of the aquarium. Aquarium plants provide comfort and a soothing environment by removing unsightly algae from the surfaces of the aquarium, by replacing lost nutrients in the water, by improving water quality and by sheltering the delicate corals. Aquarium plants can even be used as food for other species of fish!

The nutrients in the aquarium plant fertilizer come primarily from nitrogen and phosphorus, which are in abundance in most saltwater aquarists' tanks. Nitrogen is necessary to allow the plants to grow, while phosphorus helps to regulate the growth rate of the plants. Aquarium plants also need a steady supply of light, so that photosynthesis can take place - a process which converts sunlight into energy useful to the fish. Aquarium plants are also a source of plant food for other species of fish. Fertilizer is also an essential part of how to feed fish in saltwater aquariums.

So how do you know what the best aquarium plant fertilizer is? The best aquarium plant fertilizer is the one that best complements the water condition and environment of your planted tank. It is about finding the proper combination of nutrients based on your particular tank size and bilateral level, as well as balancing your micro and macro levels. What kinds of nutrients should you look out for in a good blend? See more at

There are many kinds of plant materials that you can use as aquarium fertilizers. But not all of them are suitable for your reef aquarium. Some plants roots will latch onto your sub-gravel or gravel and may get stuck in these areas. If this happens you will need to either clip or remove the stuck plant growth. If you choose to try clipping them, then be sure you don't cut too far down as otherwise you risk cutting the flow of nutrients to the roots and there's a chance that they may die.

For these reasons and many others (too numerous to mention), it is recommended that you look at natural plant fertilizers instead. These types of organic substances would be available to you in your own pond water column and you would simply mix them in with your existing water. These natural substances consist of plant litter, algae, microorganisms, rocks, shells and other coral like material that is available in your water column. They make excellent substrate materials for fresh water aquariums as they combine well with live plants and coral-based life. Their liquid fertilizer is readily absorbed by your fish and you won't have to worry about cutting off the plants or disturbing their root systems.

In most cases the type of organic fertilizer you use will be available in small amounts in the form of tablets or liquid fertilizers. These tablets can be directly added to your existing water so you don't have to worry about introducing it into the tank. In most cases you will find that they are very easy to apply. The best thing to do if you are unsure of how to go about applying these nutrients is to consult an expert and have them do it for you.

As mentioned above, some of these substances can be harmful to your fish. Some have been known to burn fish and even cause them to develop abnormalities. So, when using any fertilizer it is important that you understand exactly what it is that you are adding to your planted tank and how much is safe for the fish. You should never add a large amount to the tank until you are completely familiar and comfortable with the chemical balance of the water. Even then, there is no guarantee that the fertilizer will burn your fish.

Aquatic plants are beautiful additions to any aquarium, but they don't work alone. If you aren't knowledgeable on how to properly care for them, you can end up having to replace all of the aquatic plants in your tank over time. This can be very costly and also take a lot of effort to accomplish. So before you purchase any aquarium plants, be sure to learn about aquarium plant fertilizer and how you can safely add it to your tank. Once you have the proper information, you can find more types of plants that will help your tank and aquatic plants in general.


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